Important Reminders for Every Homeowner
July 29, 2022
- Please check your yard for any standing water. Mosquitoes breed quickly and standing water needs to be eliminated as soon as it collects.
- Please blow leaves into mulch areas of your yard, and not into the street. Leaves clog storm drains and cause more standing water for mosquito breeding. Leaves make excellent mulch.
- Every homeowner is responsible for blowing or clearing leaves and other debris from the street and curb in front of their property. HHCA will bring in a street sweeper only when leaf fall is at its worst.
- One of the best safety features around your home is lighting. We encourage you to leave your outside lights on throughout the evening while darkness comes early.
- Please don’t park on the medians – the weight of your vehicle breaks up the expensive concrete curbing.
- Please remember that all exterior paint requests must have prior approval from the Architectural Review Board/Committee and colors must come from the approved color palette.